Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Years in Hot Springs!

For New Years this year we went for 5 days to Hot Springs, VA with Stephen's mom, grandmother, brothers, and cousins. It had snowed before we got there so there was plenty to play in. Lots of board games, card games, puzzles, yummy food, and resting! It was soo nice..

Nathan and Michelle by their snowman.. Mark peeked in!

A few pictures of falling springs and the mountain side all covered in snow!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Skill

While we were away on vacation at Christmas Ava learned a new skill! You received keys for Christmas and one night we were playing with them and she held them all by herself. Stephen and I were so proud and cheered for her! Its funny what makes you excited now as a parent. Love it!

Mark learned a new skill as well! Dressing Ava for the first time. It was hilarious!

Our first Christmas as a family!!

Christmas for us was just like normal in the sense that we spent ALOT of time in the car bouncing from one family to another.. However it was alot more fun having Ava on board.

Christmas Eve at the Seabock's house! (my mom's side) Stephen and Ava after opening gifts and eating lots of yummy food!

Gary giving Ava some food!

Christmas morning at the Criser house! (Stephen's moms side) Aunt Carole Ann, Michelle, and Grandma Donna with Ava.. As you can see she was out!

I got some pjs from Stephen's grandmother made by this company!

Then it was off to my grandmother Phelps's house! (my dad's side) Gigi with Ava.

We stopped quickly back by the Seabock house after that to say Merry Christmas and then we were off to the Carr/Canady house! (Stephen's dad's side)

After that we stopped by my mom's house and she got a pink Santa hat!

And a new outfit! You didn't know it but she had 3 outfit changes that day because of all of her baby's first christmas things that she had to wear on her first christmas. Unfortunately one got dirty before we could get a picture in it.

The day after Christmas the festivities continued with family gift time with Stephen's mom and cousins.

Overall our first Christmas as a family was great!! It was soo nice having Ava to share it with! No Santa gifts this year as she was just to young, and next year we figure we can wrap boxes as that is all that she will want! Haha! Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Catching Up! Ava's first snow!

So between the holidays, going up to Hot Springs where there is no internet for 5 days, and then going back to work I have gotten really behind with putting pics up! I'm going to try to catch up.. Here are pics from Ava's first snow!!

All dressed ready to put on her snowsuit!

A little snow baby!

Playing with mommy in the snow!

Trying to keep warm with daddy..

Giving Bella some snow attention.

After playtime its warm milk for Ava and  hot chocolate for mommy and daddy!

And then we're out..