Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fun times!

Soo life has been incredibly busy recently. My diamond and I spent most of Friday driving around Greensboro gazing at all the million dollar homes on Lake Jeanette and eating cheesecake at Barnes and Noble. Then my grand diamond came into town that night and we met for dinner. It was great! I felt like I hadn't had much girl time in a while and I needed it!

Saturday Stephen and I spent alot of time getting things organized and together in our house for the arrival of our guest. Then on Sunday we went to Carole Ann's and had a cook out by the pool. It was alot of fun and then we returned with Ryan and Mark.

Thus far this week has been good, but crazy busy! Monday and Tuesday were crazy long days at work. I did have a meeting with Sally about some of my concerns and she is taking a week to think about things. I'll update that later. Possibilities are still out there.. However Carolyn and Michelle have been out for 2 weeks now and I have been picking up alot of their classes as if I needed more.

We have had alot of fun so far with Ryan and Mark. Stephen has been taking them to the pool everyday and working out and playing basketball and such.. Yesterday they climbed the rockwall for 3 hours!! Ryan got belay certified and is very proud and Mark climbed 14 different walls!

Anyway life is going well! Pictures later!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Odds and Ends

The newly painted computer room..

The newly painted guest bedroom..

So this past weekend when most couples are out on dates to the movies and dinner, Stephen and I stayed home and painted. We painted both of our upstairs bedrooms, as well as spent an enormous amount of time fixing little odds and ends around the house. All in preparation for our 3 weeks of guest. Sunday night Ryan and Mark will come up to stay with us for two weeks, and hopefully during that time we will see Carole Ann for a visit. After that is my knee surgery and my dad (and possibly Carole Ann) will be coming to stay with us as well. Yay! I love having house guest and am trying to make my house as comfortable as possible.

Work thus far this has been okay.. Nothing great for either of us although I am planning to meet with my boss sometime about important issues concerning pay and vacation days.

More than anything this week Stephen and I are just focused on getting our house in shape for our coming guest. Can't wait!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Okay as I sit here, I am trying to make myself go to the gym and work out. Today I actually do want to go but I can't get Stephen to budge from the bed. Ugh! We never want to go at the same time, and while I could go alone, I'd prefer not to.

I also have so much left to do. I did finally start painting and will finish that today! For sure! Everything gets done today and then tomorrow is for relaxing..

I'm so frustrated with my job right now, that I don't even know what to do. Some of my groups are going quite well except I have one new group, comprised of old optionals kids from Alexei and Scott, and new ones from me. I feel like Scott, the guy teaching with me feels like I am completely incompetent and thus will be leading the class. Even though when I agreed to teach this class I thought I was going to be the lead. Its not going to work out. I know its not. It will become the class I dread. Can't wait. Needless to say its been on my mind constantly and I can't seem to shake it. I am exploring some options once I motivate myself to do so and we'll see where that goes. He and I just don't mesh and its never going to work.

Anyway that was my vent, on to get stuff done today and get Stephen moving.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

I hope that everyone had a good and safe 4th of July. Stephen and I didn't do to much in celebration. We went to a movie (Oceans 13.. eh it was okay), and came back and have been cleaning, organizing and preparing both our spare bedrooms to be painted tomorrow when I get home from work. I have learned today that no matter what, I will NEVER put wallpaper up ANYWHERE in my home. The stupid people that lived here before put up a wall paper boarder in each of the bedrooms and then randomly stuck pieces on the walls. For two days we have been working to try and get it off. Ridiculous!

Anyway tomorrow is back to normal.. kind of. Back to work at least for both of us. I'm going to have very small groups and it will be my first day with my new optionals group. Should be interesting, we'll see!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pictures of Nationals

Here are some pictures from Nationals..


I'm not doing a very good job with updating this.. I'll try to keep up better.

So today I went back to the orthopedic about the results of my MRI. Basically I was told the good news first: my ACL is not torn...

Then the bad news: I don't have an ACL!!! WHAT! Basically I have worn my ACL down so much that it is gone. Craziness! I also have a torn meniscus. I tell you I can't do anything half way. Anyway I will be having knee surgery on it August 1st.. So if anyone wants to come hang out and have all day movie dates with me feel free.

Some good notes though, we helped Carole Ann move into her new apartment. It is really nice and I think she is going to love having a roommate so much better. Then we went to Wilmington for the day and returned back with some new furniture! So exciting!!!

Stephen's brothers will be coming down in a week and a half to stay with Carole Ann for a few days and then with us for a week and a half before his family reunion in Virginia. We are both really excited but I know Stephen is about to burst for them to get here. In the meantime I am trying to get everything organized on my days off and do a little painting. So far, neither room is painted yet.

One other thing happened this weekend, my little diamond Heather is got engaged! I am so excited for her and can't wait to hear all about it. It has put me back in the planning mindset and recently I have been working on getting ideas together for my grandparents 50th reunion party as well as work on some ideas for my moms wedding. No dates set but we're working on them..