Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fun times!

Soo life has been incredibly busy recently. My diamond and I spent most of Friday driving around Greensboro gazing at all the million dollar homes on Lake Jeanette and eating cheesecake at Barnes and Noble. Then my grand diamond came into town that night and we met for dinner. It was great! I felt like I hadn't had much girl time in a while and I needed it!

Saturday Stephen and I spent alot of time getting things organized and together in our house for the arrival of our guest. Then on Sunday we went to Carole Ann's and had a cook out by the pool. It was alot of fun and then we returned with Ryan and Mark.

Thus far this week has been good, but crazy busy! Monday and Tuesday were crazy long days at work. I did have a meeting with Sally about some of my concerns and she is taking a week to think about things. I'll update that later. Possibilities are still out there.. However Carolyn and Michelle have been out for 2 weeks now and I have been picking up alot of their classes as if I needed more.

We have had alot of fun so far with Ryan and Mark. Stephen has been taking them to the pool everyday and working out and playing basketball and such.. Yesterday they climbed the rockwall for 3 hours!! Ryan got belay certified and is very proud and Mark climbed 14 different walls!

Anyway life is going well! Pictures later!

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