Friday, August 3, 2007

Glad to have a laptop!

So yes its been a while.. Alot has happened like Stephens family reunion and our trip to Kings Dominion, all which were a blast!

My dad flew in from Florida on Tuesday and I was about to burst to see him! I had my knee surgery on Wednesday and everything went as well as could be expected. I will post pictures later. I didn't have to stay overnight and really and truly have been in very little pain. It has been so nice to have my dad here just to have someone to talk to when Stephen hasn't been here and Stephen has been incredibly helpful throughout the past few days. Especially after being glued to a chair with my leg up for the past 3 days and going stir crazy. My dad brought his laptop with him and I was so excited to actually get to be on the computer. This way I don't have to go upstairs and can still keep my leg up with ice.

Besides being tired of sitting things are going well. My grandmother and aunt and cousin are coming up tomorrow and maybe I'll get out in the world a little while. I'm looking forward to them finally seeing my house!!

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