Friday, November 6, 2009

Ava's First Full Day

Ava had a very eventful first day into the world. From hearing test and PKU test to visits from many friends and family to having her pictures taken for the hospital to learning how to feed and getting acquainted with all of the sights and sounds of things going on around her. Lots of visits from nurses who were supposed to be checking on her and many who had something to do with her coming into the world that just wanted to come by and gaze at her for a while.
Here are some pictures from her first day..

The first picture of Ava exactly how she liks to be, bundled up tightly, warm, and asleep. The other is actually the outfit we are taking her home in but also what we put on her for her hospital pictures.
Stephen and I with Ava and absolutely in LOVE with our beautiful daughter, and another picture from my view point when I was holding her tonight. The face is just to cute to resist.

1 comment:

CaroleAnn said...

baby burrito! all wrapped up - love it :)